![]() 同仁堂品牌始创于1669年(清康熙八年)。自1723年(清雍正元年)为清宫供御药,历经八代皇帝长达188年。 Tong Ren Tang Founded in 1669. It served eight Qing emperors for 188 years since it was designated to provide traditional Chinese medicine to the imperial family in 1723。 1949年新中国成立,使饱经沧桑的同仁堂获得了新生。1992年中国北京同仁堂集团公司组建并于2001年改制为国有独资公司,现代企业制度在同仁堂集团逐步建立完善。 The founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 gave a new life to weather-beaten TRT.In 1992, Beijing TRT Group was established,and became a wholly state-owned company in 2001. It has gradually established a modern corporate system. 1997年旗下同仁堂股份在上海上交所上市,2000年同仁堂科技在香港联交所上市,2013年同仁堂国药在香港联交所上市,同仁堂集团整体实力跃上了新台阶。 In 1997, the subsidiary Beijing Tong Ren Tang Co., Ltd. was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange,while Beijing Tong Ren TangTechnology Development Co., Ltd. were listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000.Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd.were listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchangein2013, These listings strengthened the overall competitiveness of Beijing TRT Group. 2019年全面落实党中央关于发展中医药事业的决策部署,着眼于“两个一百年”奋斗目标,谋划同仁堂集团新时代发展的战略思路,聘请第三方专业公司开展战略咨询,开启了迈向高质量发展的新征程。 In 2019, answering the Party’s call to develop TCM, the group invited the third-party company (focus on "two centenary goals")to provide strategic consultancy services and map out the development strategy in the new era, taking the group onto a journey of high-quality growth. |